
Docker development environment

We provide a bootstrap Docker image which is automatically updated with each commit and provides all prerequisites for building the latest Oiunet desktop binaries and Android libraries.

To exchange with the container data like Ouinet's source code and cached downloads and build files, we will bind mount the following directories to /usr/local/src/ in the container (some we'll create first):

  • source (assumed to be at the current directory),
  • build (in ../,
  • and the container's $HOME (in ../ouinet.home/), where .gradle, .cargo, etc. will reside.

Note that with the following incantations you will not be able to use sudo in the container (--user), and that all the changes besides those in bind mounts will be lost after you exit (--rm).

mkdir -p ../ ../ouinet.home/
sudo docker run \
  --rm -it \
  --user $(id -u):$(id -g) \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/usr/local/src/ouinet \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/../",target=/usr/local/src/ \
  --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)/../ouinet.home",target=/mnt/home \
  -e HOME=/mnt/home \

If you only need to build Ouinet desktop binaries, you may replace the image name at the end of the command with, which is much lighter.

After running the command, you should find yourself in a new terminal, ready to accept the build instructions described elsewhere in the document.

Please consult the GitLab CI scripts to see how to build your own bootstrap images locally.

Docker deployment

Ouinet injectors and clients can be run as Docker containers. An application configuration file for Docker Compose is included for easily deploying all needed volumes and containers.

To run a Ouinet node container only a couple hundred MiB are needed, plus the space devoted to the data volume (which may grow considerably larger in the case of the injector).

A Dockerfile is also included that can be used to create a Docker image which contains the Ouinet injector, client and necessary software dependencies running on top of a Debian base system.

Building the image

Ouinet Docker images should be available from the Docker Hub. Follow the instructions in this section if you still want to build the image yourself. You will need around 3 GiB of disk space.

You may use the Dockerfile as included in Ouinet's source code, or you can just download it. Then build the image by running:

$ sudo docker build -t equalitie/ouinet:latest - < Dockerfile

That command will build a default recommended version, which you can override with --build-arg OUINET_VERSION=<VERSION>.

After a while you will get the equalitie/ouinet:latest image. Then you may want to run sudo docker prune to free up the space taken by temporary builder images (which may amount to a couple of GiB).

Debugging-enabled image

You can also build an alternative version of the image where programs contain debugging symbols and they are run under gdb, which shows a backtrace in case of a crash. Just add --build-arg OUINET_DEBUG=yes to the build command. We recommend that you use a different tag for these images (e.g. equalitie/ouinet:<VERSION>-debug).

Depending on your Docker setup, you may need to change the container's security profile and give it tracing capabilities. For more information, see this thread.

Deploying a client

You may use Docker Compose with the docker-compose.yml file included in Ouinet's source code (or you can just download it). Whenever you run docker-compose commands using that configuration file, you must be in the directory where the file resides.

If you want to create a client that seeds a static cache root (see below) from a directory in the host, check the instructions in docker-compose.yml.

If you just plan to run a single client with the latest code on your computer, you should be fine with running the following command:

$ sudo docker-compose up

That command will create a data volume, a main node container for running the Ouinet client or injector (using the host's network directly), and a convenience shell container (see below) to allow you to modify files in the data volume. It will then run the containers (the shell container will exit immediately; this is normal).

To stop the node, hit Ctrl+C or run sudo docker-compose stop. Please note that with the default configuration in docker-compose.yml, the node will be automatically restarted whenever it crashes or the host is rebooted, until explicitly stopped.

A new client node which starts with no configuration will get a default one from templates included in Ouinet's source code and it will be missing some important parameters, so you may want to stop it (see above) and use the shell container (see below) to edit client/ouinet-client.conf:

  • If using a local test injector, set its endpoint in option injector-ep.
  • Set the injector's credentials in option injector-credentials.
  • Unless using a local test injector, set option injector-tls-cert-file to /var/opt/ouinet/client/ssl-inj-cert.pem and copy the injector's TLS certificate to that file.
  • Set the public key used by the injector for HTTP signatures in option cache-http-public-key.
  • To enable the distributed cache, set option cache-type. The only value currently supported is bep5-http.

After you have set up your client's configuration, you can restart it. The client's HTTP proxy endpoint should be available to the host at localhost port 8077.

If you get a "connection refused" error when using the client's proxy, your Docker setup may not support host networking. To enable port forwarding, follow the instructions in docker-compose.yml.

Finally, restart the client container.

Using the shell container

You may use the convenience shell container to access Ouinet node files directly:

$ sudo docker-compose run --rm shell

This will create a throwaway container with a shell at the /var/opt/ouinet directory in the data volume.

If you want to transfer an existing repository to /var/opt/ouinet, you first need to move away or remove the existing one using the shell container:

# mv REPO REPO.old  # REPO is either 'injector' or 'client'

Then you may copy it in from the host using:

$ sudo docker cp /path/to/REPO SHELL_CONTAINER:/var/opt/ouinet/REPO

Other deployments

If you plan on running several nodes on the same host you will need to use different explicit Docker Compose project names for them. To make the node an injector instead of a client you need to set OUINET_ROLE=injector. To make the container use a particular image version instead of latest, set OUINET_VERSION. To limit the amount of memory that the container may use, set OUINET_MEM_LIMIT, but you will need to pass the --compatibility option to docker-compose.

An easy way to set all these parameters is to copy or link the docker-compose.yml file to a directory with the desired project name and populate its default environment file:

$ mkdir -p /path/to/ouinet-injector  # ouinet-injector is the project name
$ cd /path/to/ouinet-injector
$ cp /path/to/docker-compose.yml .
$ echo OUINET_ROLE=injector >> .env
$ echo OUINET_VERSION=v0.1.0 >> .env
$ echo OUINET_MEM_LIMIT=6g >> .env
$ sudo docker-compose --compatibility up

Injector container

After an injector has finished starting, you may want to use the shell container to inspect and note down the contents of injector/endpoint-* (injector endpoints) and injector/ed25519-public-key (public key for HTTP signatures) to be used by clients. The injector will also generate a tls-cert.pem file which you should distribute to clients for TLS access. Other configuration information like credentials can be found in injector/ouinet-injector.conf.

Remember that the injector will be available as an HTTP proxy for anyone having its credentials; if you want to disable this feature, set disable-proxy = true. You can also restrict the URLs injected to those matching a regular expression with the restricted option.

To start the injector in headless mode, you can run:

$ sudo docker-compose up -d

You will need to use sudo docker-compose stop to stop the container.

To be able to follow its logs, you can run:

$ sudo docker-compose logs --tail=100 -ft